Our School Mission “To Live in Love” is at the heart of everything that happens here at St Thérѐse. The inspiration for our work comes from St Thérѐse – our very special saint. We hope you enjoy our school song which was written by our pupils using words from our mission statement. The film demonstrates the many joys we experience here every day at St Thérѐse and is our “mission in action”.
Kindness is my only guiding star.
In its light I sail a straight route,
I have my motto written on my sail:
‘To live in love’
St Thérѐse of Lisieux
‘To Live in Love’
To ‘live in love’ means we are called …….
To Love God
To Love one another
To Love ourselves
‘To Love God’
In our school we….
Know that we are loved by God and we are perfect and precious in His eyes
Know Christ, Love Him and tell others about Him
Know that the way of Jesus shapes everything we think, say and do
Know that we are called to be a beacon of God’s light in the world and spread the Good News
‘To Love each other’
In our school we….
Enjoy relationships that are rooted in love, trust and mutual respect.
Seek to inspire and nurture growth in ourselves and others
Recognise and encourage individual gifts and talents and welcome every opportunity to share them with others
Celebrate teamwork and recognise that we are happiest when we are united.
‘To Love ourselves’
In our school we….
Learn without limits and embrace new opportunities in order to aspire to be the best we can be.
Believe in our own abilities and have the confidence to know that all things are possible because we are children of God.
Always give thanks and praise for who we are and all that we have
Ensure we contribute to the society in which we live and make manifest the glory of God which is in each one of us
St Thérѐse of Lisieux